Thursday, February 26, 2009

change in March meeting for Umstead PAC

Scott Letchworth has notified us that the Umstead PAC meeting has been changed due to scheduling issues and will be held Wed., 3/4/09 at 7:00 pm at the visitor's center.


Anonymous said...

Hey Margaret, hope you're well.

I've created a page on my blog about this ongoing access issue at Umstead. If you have a minute, take a look at

I don't think my real concern came across in the editorial. Feel free to send folks who are passionate about it the above link as well. It's certainly worth debate.


Anonymous said...

Sorry if you view the response to your editorial as being too direct. Please keep in mind that we had to respect the N & O's 200 word limit to clarify misinformation contained in your lengthy editorial about our position and our efforts. There has been a great deal of misinformation to date about why parking was eliminated at Reedy Creek and Graylyn, what the options are, etc. As you know, misinformation tends to cloud the issues.

We encourage you to read the Access Umstead blog for additional information about what we have learned along the way. We are not investigative reporters but have tried to use the blog to share information with our supporters rather than to provide a forum for further debate and venting.