Friday, December 19, 2008

Results of the Public Comment on Graylyn

We received the following update from Mr Peek providing results of the public comment on Graylyn. Please note that the final course of action has not been decided.

I'm mailing this CD to you today and I wish I could've gotten it to you sooner. To save you just a bit of work: our count was 249 comments and we received thoughtful comment on all sides of the issue. That's one of the more gratifying results of an exercise such as this. Something over 150 of the comments favored Alternative C or some slight variation, although I stress once again that the solicitation of public comment is not to be considered a referendum. Nonetheless, the division administrative team and planners will consider all the comments carefully in deliberating a possible course of action. My thanks for the role that you and Access Umstead have played in the process thus far.

Charlie Peek


Sean and Heather said...

Sounds semi-promising. Any idea on timline?

Anonymous said...

Sean and Heather,
We do not have word on a timeline. It would probably help if NC Parks and Rec heard from more than just Access Umstead representatives so that patience displayed to date is not confused with disinterest. There are other issues that they must contend with (budget, staffing) but it is important for them to understand that people are still upset and concerned about the current constraints getting into the park due to lack of convenient access.

Anonymous said...

Access to Umstead at Reedy Crk and Trenton roads is being further restricted by eliminating parking in the Trenton woods neighborhood. Most parking for families, walkers, joggers and folks with dogs was eliminated when Raleigh put up No Parking signs several hundred feet south of the park entrance and yesterday the Ral City council was supposed to vote on restricting parking in the Trenton Woods neighborhood. Apparently, folks with expensive homes did not like cars parked in front of their homes.
Are there any plans to create legal parking for the public near this entrance?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment and for following this issue. In checking the N & O Crosstown Traffic blog today, the Trenton Woods proposal was pulled from the agenda and sent for additional study. It is critical for the public to contact city council members to let them know how they feel about this issue. We will contact them and remind them of the numerous petitioners wanting access restored. We have not heard of current plans for parking but will seek information and post results. At the bare minimum, further restriction on parking should be delayed until the city or state can provide parking at this area