Sunday, April 13, 2008

Good news but our work is not yet done...

We have just had a productive meeting addressing some of our concerns and questions with Representative Jennifer Weiss and various individuals to include representatives from the NC Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, NC Department of Parks and Recreation (NC Parks and Rec), NC Department of Transportation (NCDOT), and NC General Assembly.

It is important to note that our concerns voiced via the petition are being heard and do make a difference. We have been told that your voices from the petition have facilitated new communication between the various governmental agencies to work together toward solutions. All parties are being responsive and have been working hard behind the scenes. Knowing that public opinion matters, it is critical to know that our work is not done.

The good news is that NCDOT confirmed that paving of Old Reedy Creek Road is deferred pending coordination with the Town of Cary’s efforts to have parking at this location. We applaud Cary’s proactive efforts to preserve this popular vehicular access point to meet the needs of the growing active community. We also learned that NCDOT has responded to safety concerns along Ebenezer Church Road. There will be a reduction in the speed limit along certain stretches, less trucks and possibly a sidewalk—all of these actions making this more friendly to bikers, pedestrians and neighbors. We also understand that good new may be forthcoming with regards to Reedy Creek Road.

Unfortunately, Graylyn Drive is another story and where much work remains to be done… We also learned that NCDOT had contacted the City of Raleigh to see if they would be interested in providing patrol/law enforcement services to the small section of Graylyn if parking remained along the side of the road. To do this would require annexation (unlikely) or a special agreement that the City of Raleigh declined.

As stated in a previous posting, the NC Parks and Recreation General Management Plan for Umstead would be posted for public comment by 4/1/08. This public comment process will allow for your input on providing for some type of parking at the Graylyn Drive access. However, we have learned that this has been delayed for an unknown period. Please keep checking our blog as we will let you know the specific link. We do know that it will be on the website and that it can also be found under their “News” page under press releases.

We want to thank Rep Weiss for her proactive support of the ever-growing active community of Umstead Park users. We also appreciate the various governmental agencies who have been responsive and are working toward addressing our concerns to include the Umstead Coalition and the Umstead Park Advisory Committee.

In summary, what you can do:
Please keep checking the blog for updates on actions needed.

Voice your opinion to Scott Letchworth, the park superintendent of Umstead State Park at 919-571-4170; William Totten, current district superintendent of NC Parks and Recreation (, Donald Reuter, Assistant director of Planning and Administration (

Voice your opinion to the City of Raleigh requesting that they formally agree to provide patrol/law enforcement to the small stretch of Graylyn Drive by contacting: and other city council members as well as Mayor Meeker. Please note that Mr Isley was VERY responsive to our prior requests for assistance.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this great information, and for all of the work that has gone into this effort. Living close to Graylin, I've been extremely frustrated at the situation there. I have one question though, concerning the special agreement with Raleigh, and perhaps I'm misunderstanding the post. Why would the city of Raleigh need to patrol the area, if parking on Graylin was resumed? And is that a sticking point to getting parking put back there? Seems to me I've seen plenty of Raleigh police in the area, especially since the No Parking signs have gone up.
Anyway, Thanks again for all of the work!

Anonymous said...

If Graylyn Drive is outside the jurisdiction of the Raleigh Police Department, is it not within the jurisdiction of the Wake County Sheriff's Office? If so, if NCDOT is so concerned about "providing patrol/law enforcement services" to Graylyn Drive, should they not be discussing these concerns with the Sheriffs office?

Thanks for your efforts!