Monday, March 29, 2010

compromise needed for parking at Manorbrook

The Public Works committee recently had a split vote on the petition by the Manorbrook Rd residents in the Lakes of Umstead Community to eliminate parking in their neighborhood. Russ Stephenson and Bonner Gaylord voted for a compromise to allow parking on one side of the road; John Odom voted to eliminate parking and Mary Baldwin wanted to have a full council vote. Fortunately, Mayor Meeker recommended an opportunity for public comment through 4/6 when the issue will be revisited. As you may know, this type of compromise was previously agreed upon for Trenton Woods Way as a temporary parking solution. As always, we encourage everyone to remain considerate of the neighbors to allow for continued access.

As you can see, the city council needs to hear from you. Phone calls to John Odom (996-3000) and Mary Ann Baldwin is also encouraged (828-5591). We support the compromise allowing for parking on one side of the road as put forth by Mr Stephenson and Mr Gaylord.

To contact the entire city council at once, e-mail them at or contact each of them individually at the following e-mail addresses:


Anonymous said...

Your post is incorrect. Please see full minutes here:,_Commissions_and_Council/Public_Works/2010_Minutes/PW-Minutes-20100309.doc

The Manorbrook residents requested a compromise that permitted about 20 spaces but prevented parking in about 5 spaces near the entrance.

access umstead said...

Thank you for posting the minutes, Anonymous.

We still support the motion adopted by Stephenson and Gaylord limiting no parking to one side of Manorbrook

Anonymous said...

No problem. From the tone of your blog, I don't doubt that you try to keep it on the up and up. But you may want to reconsider your sources. The publication of misinformation tending to characterize the residents as unreasonable generates distrust and unfriendly behavior on both sides that may impede the cooperation we'll need in the long run. If you're going to continue covering this corner, maybe you should talk to someone in each neighborhood?

access umstead said...

Anonymous, we do try to report facts. In this case, the inaccuracy was based on a brief phone conversation with a member of city council rather than personal observation at the meeting. I accept full responsibility for the inaccuracy.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I was being paranoid.